Home Inspections

About Home Inspections

Home buyers should never skirt the property inspection, which is crucial in finding warning signs for the presence of asbestos, radon, lead paint, mold, poor air quality, and structural flaws, among other potential problems.

Though no house is perfect, most buyers hope to concentrate the average $6,000 spent in the first six months of homeownership on furnishings and accessories; not a new roof or furnace. Contact us for a home inspection referral

Why Get a Home Inspection?

If you were to buy a used car, wouldn’t you have it inspected by someone who know a thing or two about a car? Homes can cost ten times more than your car, so why wouldn’t you give your new investment at least as much concern as the car you drive?

While a home may not leave you on the side of the road, it can put you in a financial fix, an unexpected financial situation or a legal matter.

Start With a Reputable Home Inspector

Buyers are urged to hire reputable home inspectors, checking their experience, standards, and membership in either the American Society of Home Inspectors or the National Association of Home Inspectors. The chosen professional will give buyers a list of items the inspection will cover, but it is only a “visual observation.”

In Colorado, most sellers provide buyers with a disclosure form outlining all known problems.

But buyers should still hire their own termite inspector; consider having mold spores tested; and pay attention to environmental concerns, such as underground fuel-storage tanks, asbestos, water quality, and lead paint. Many buyers are unaware of the dangers and costs of ridding a home of these problems, having overlooked these issues while concentrating on safety, a good neighborhood, price and resale potential.

Call RE/MAX Traditions, Inc. at 303-772-3800